A Chakra is a spinning vortex of energy, which, like a bicycle or car wheel, needs to be in balance in order to work effectively. Imagine driving your car with one wheel that is not balanced, the vibration would permeate every bone of your body, making the drive incredibly uncomfortable! The same principle applies to your Chakras – they are all of equal importance, and if just one of the seven is not working effectively, there is a knock-on effect throughout the body causing at the least discomfort and at the worst, disease.

Each of the Chakras relate to a different aspect of ourselves. The Base Chakra is associated with us on the Earth Plane, therefore it is very dense and spins slowly. When we move our consciousness higher, it becomes less dense and so the speed quickens. If there is an imbalance, a Chakra can over or under activate which then causes a change in speed. Extremes in behaviour can indicate imbalances in the Chakras.

As a healer, simply by placing my hands on your back, I can help ensure that an even flow of energy is distributed throughout your system, thus relieving stress and bringing your Chakras, and therefore your body, back into balance.

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