We have all suffered from unexplained aches and pains for which conventional medicine may not always have satisfactory treatments. On a larger scale, there are still few comprehensive ‘cures’ for major diseases, or for most peoples’ back aches! Many doctors believe that a lot of these illnesses can stem from the stresses induced by our busy lifestyles – stresses that show themselves in different ways such as unexplained tiredness, headaches, back pains, lack of energy or difficulty in sleeping. All of these symptoms can generally be relieved by using techniques that are gentle and non-invasive.

The root cause of any illness must, of course, be established, therefore thorough discussions with my clients are the first priority. Then simply by placing my hands on your back I can help ensure that an even flow of energy is distributed throughout your system to bring your body back into balance. Once this is done, I can then concentrate on any specific areas that may need attention.

There are no guarantees with this sort of work, all I have to go on is what my clients tell me and that is that they generally feel more energised and as if the world has been lifted off their shoulders leaving them feeling 10 feet tall!

All treatments are designed to complement conventional medicine and should never be seen as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice.

‘Phone/Skype Consultations

I also offer 1 hour consultations either by telephone or Skype – this is so that people who are not local to Portsmouth can have personal sessions.

Click Here to contact me for details