All too often Tarot is perceived as simply a tool for predicting the future – in fact, that is just one small part of its wonder. By helping you to access your subconscious mind, the Tarot can help you discover your own psychology and latent talents.

It can also help in your decision making, answer questions and show you what you already know but may not have been consciously ready to accept!

If you are prepared to travel to the South of England, why not arrange to visit me for a Tarot reading?

One to one readings can take between one and two hours and can help you to understand your limitations and give you the tools to move forward in your life with more clarity and happiness.  Price £45.00

Alternatively, you may wish to have an Astro-Tarot Reading which incorporates information taken from your Birth Chart and a Tree of Life Tarot Reading.  Price £55.00

Click Here to contact me for details and to book an appointment

If you can’t get to the South of England, you can choose from one of the following options:-

Purchase an Online Reading  –  On receipt of your payment, I will email you to ask if there are any particular areas you would like me to focus on. Once I have that information, I will do your personalised, comprehensive reading which I record and then email to you.  –  Price £29.95

Purchase a Skype Reading   –   On receipt of your payment I will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time for us to connect. This is much the same as the One to One readings above, only over Skype.  Price £45.00

Click Here to contact me for details and to book an appointment